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Rumi Forum

Inspiring Words

The most beautiful things in the world are not seen nor touched. They are felt with the heart.

 Saint Francis of Assisi     


Assembly of Turkic American Federations Gala Draws Huge Crowd

The Assembly of Turkic American Federations (ATAF) hosted its Opening Gala Reception at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel with 7 US Senators and 53 US Representatives in attendance. Gathering six federations representing the Turkic-American community in the United States, the reception also brought representatives of Turkic and Eurasian communities together with ambassadors, policy makers and their staffers. US senators Mark Warner, Robert Casey, Richard Lugar, Frank Lautenberg, Jeff Bingaman, Roger Wicker, and Kay Hagen were among the participants.Assembly of Turkic American Federations

The Assembly of Turkic American Federations is a broad umbrella organization for federations and similar entities that share the objectives of establishing closer relations with the Turkic-American community and the community at large as well as with members of other ethnic communities in the United States. The Rumi Forum is now a member organization of the Assembly of Turkic American Federations.

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Turkish Language Classes

Coming Soon!

Some people might ask the question: ‘Why should I study the Turkish language?’ Located just between Europe and Middle East, Turkey has always been regarded as one of the most strategically and geopolitically important countries in the world. Turkey is also a country that has a unique and rich culture and history. Currently, more than 70 million people speak the Turkish language. The political, economic and cultural relationships between Turkey and USA are increasing rapidly, thus, there is a need for Turkish speaking Americans who can take advantage of these opportunities. Turkey is a long time member of NATO, a candidate for becoming a member of the EU, and an important political and cultural bridge to countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Turkish is key to understanding many Turkic languages such as Azeri, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Tatar, Turkmen and many others. Moreover, Turkey is one of the 10 emerging markets that are expected to grow globally in the next 15 years.  Thus, the Turkish language provides access to immense opportunities in business, politics, technology, academic research and journalism.


Register your interest with Vladimir Fedorenko at

*Course times will be based on registered interest

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Rumi Forum Luncheon Series on DCTV

Beginning in June 2010, the Rumi Forum Luncheon Series can be viewed on DCTV.

Please check the Rumi Forum's website for updates and links.

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Indonesian Delegation VISIT

An Indonesian Model of Interreligious Dialogue

In April, the Berkley Center and the Rumi Forum hosted a discussion with a delegation of visiting scholars and leaders from Indonesia on "An Indonesian Model of Interreligious Dialogue." Jean Duff, Executive Director at the Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (CIFA), moderated the discussion. The participants included religious and academic officials from Indonesia, Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie, Dr. Nasaruddun Umar and Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri.

The group also visited and attended meetings with various government officials speaking about the importance of dialogue and education.

For more info

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Tariq ramadan and reza arslan talk at Rumi Forum

"This is the first statement – we are talking about ‘us’ – Westerns, and Americans and Europeans and us together. And this is why I am advocating in a book something which is a ‘new we’. ‘A new we’ is to stop ‘us’ versus ‘them’ and to be able to come as ‘us’ – citizens coming from different backgrounds, different religions, different cultures, part of the new society with the same future."- Tariq Ramadan

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"Globalizations has had a huge role in resurgence of religious identities."- Reza Aslan

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Gülen Conference


“The Gülen Movement: Paradigms, Projects, and Aspirations”

This conference is interdisciplinary in nature so that the work of the conference can begin to draw important connections between analyses of the movement from the perspectives of disciplines such as: theology, religious studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, urban studies, literature, history, philosophy, law, psychology, economics, political science, and international relations, as well as many others.



For more information, please visit:

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Anatolian Club

We are pleased to officially announce the Rumi Forum’s Anatolian Club!

In the spirit of Anatolia, the Anatolian Club aims to serve and bring together Alumni from the Rumi Forum’s Intercultural Trips to Turkey. This club is a means to keep alive the Anatolian friendship and spirit that was formed during our time together in Turkey.

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NEW BOOK: "The Gulen Movement: Civic Service without Borders"

This book seeks to develop an appropriate discourse for studying the Gulen Movement and phenomena like it. The established discourse concerns itself with social movements as protest, as challenge to the System, as contentious actors looking to alter or even overturn existing structures and/or policies in some field, usually political or economic. Approaching the matter from social movement theory and taking an insider's perspective, the author argues that the Gulen Movement is, as it has always been, non-contentious' it is not a marginalized actor working on the System from the outside. On the contrary, it has always worked within the System - within the boundaries of the laws and public norms that obtain in the different local and national settings where it has set up institutions.


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Goodwill VISITS to Embassies  

To strengthen dialogue and cooperation, the Rumi Forum conducted goodwill visits to several Ambassador’s and their Embassies in Washington.

Embassy of Turkey, H.E. Amb. Namik Tan; Embassy of Slovenia, H.E. Amb. Roman Kirn; Embassy of Syria, H.E. Amb. Imad Moustapha; Embassy of Pakistan, H.E. Amb. Husain Haqqani; Embassy of Mongolia, H.E. Amb. Khasbazar Bekhbat; Embassy of Croatia, H.E. Amb. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović; Embassy of Zimbabwe, H.E. Amb. Machivenyika Mapuranga; Embassy of Sweden, DCM Karin Olofsdotter; Embassy of Burundi, H.E. Angele Niyuhire; Embassy of Belize, H.E. Nestor Mendez

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Click on the above icons to follow Rumi Forum on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. The Rumi Forum is dedicated to fostering greater understanding through the numerous social networks that are available to the wider community. Visiters to these sites will have access to and be updated on our podcasts, videos, upcoming events and other information.

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Rumi Forum Internship Program

We are now accepting applications for our summer and fall 2010 internship program.

Eligibility: All undergraduate and master’s-level students and J.D. and Ph.D. candidates as well as recent graduates are eligible to apply.

Application Process: In order to apply for a Rumi Forum Internship, please submit the following:

· Cover Letter and Resume

· College or University Transcript

· 2-3 References (please provide both the phone and email contact information and please include a Professor or other individual familiar with your work)

Summer: June to August
Fall: September to November

*starting dates are flexible

Please send materials via email to 

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In The Media

"Muslim radical lives in the Poconos -- but it's not what you think" by Dan Berrett, Pocono Record Writer

"Gulen Inspired Schools: Glocal Schools serving with Integrity and Sincerity"  by Veli Keskin

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From the Archive

"A modern Ottoman" by Ehsan Masood

Is it possible to be a true religious believer and at the same time enjoy good relations with people of other faiths or none? Moreover, can you remain open to new ideas and new ways of thinking?

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