We hosted Simon Robinson and Johnston McMaster, two distinguished academics who are well known for their research on Fethullah Gulen’s works, on Tuesday, March 20th in Fairfax.
The Spirituality of Responsibility: Fethullah Gulen and Islamic Thought
This book shows how Fethullah Gülen was influenced by both orthodox Islam and the Sufi tradition, contribute a dynamic, holistic and interactive view of responsibility which locates personal identity, agency and freedom in plural relationships. It also explores the practice of responsibility in Gülen’s life and in the Hizmet movement which he founded. For more information, please check:
Simon Robinson is Professor of Applied and Professional Ethics, and Director of Research Centre for Governance, Leadership and Global Responsibility, Leeds Beckett University.
He focuses on business and professional ethics, the nature and practice of responsibility, responsibility and pedagogy, governance, and leadership ethics across all sectors.
In this book, McMaster draws on academic and religious traditions to examine in detail the three Abrahamic faiths for their resources for dialogue: he interrogates his own cultural experience and Christian tradition; Gülen’s interpretation of Islamic thought in his writings and the practice of the movement he inspires; and Jewish thought as represented in the writings of Lord Jonathan Sacks.
For more information, and to download the book, please visit: https://www.hizmetstudies.org/publication/book/word-us-ethics-interfaith-dialogue/
Johnston McMaster is as an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin. He is an author and broadcaster. His key areas of interest and teaching are peace and reconciliation, interfaith dialogue, Biblical hermeneutics, political theology, social ethics, Celtic spirituality, Irish history and faith in a post-Christendom context. He has lectured internationally as well as throughout Ireland.