2016 International Festival of Language and Culture
14th annual International Festival of Language and Culture (IFLC) was organized in partnership with Rumi Forum on April 28, 2016 at the DAR Constitutional Hall. More than 25 countries were represented by 100 students with song and dance performances. President Obama also provided a message to the 2016 IFLC program and actor Andy Garcia was the MC for the event.
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Study Trip to Morocco
Rumi Forum has organized a study trip to Morocco with the mission of exploring social, ethnic, cultural, economic, security, and political issues in Morocco and its wider region from May 6 to 13, 2016.
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Community Engagement with the DHS
Community Engagement Night with the DHS
On May 3, 2016, the Rumi Forum hosted a talk by Mr. Haris Tarin of the Department of Homeland Security to discuss the organizational structure of the department as a whole.
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Speaker Series
"Migration, Religion and Extremism in Today’s EU" with Dr. Johan Leman
Dr. Johan Leman talked about migration, religion, and extremism in today’s EU on May 3, 2016. His talk was around migration and minority policies, ethnicity and inter-ethnic majority-minority relations in Europe and in the EU countries.
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"What Works in Girls` Education” with Dr. Rebecca Winthrop
Dr. Rebecca Winthrop from the Brookings Institution talked about what works in girls` education on April 5, 2016. She focused on education in the developing world, with special attention to improving quality learning for the most marginalized children and youth, including girls and children affected by extreme violence.
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"The Changing Religious and Demographic Landscape in America" with Dr. Robert P. Jones
On March 23rd, 2016, Dr. Robert P. Jones discussed how trends and public opinion in religion, race and other demographies in the United States are changing.
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NOVA Region Responds to Syrian Refugee Crises
A panel of county officials from Northern Virginia area shared their impressions and their work with the refugees on March 29, 2016 following up on their recent trip to Turkey to deliver aid to Syrian refugees.
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"Renewing Islam by Service" with Dr. Pim Valkenberg
On March 4th, 2016, Dr. Pim Valkenberg spoke on his book called “Renewing Islam by Service: A Christian View of Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement", which was published by the Catholic University of America Press.
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Abrahamic Discussion Series:
"Religious Freedoms and Minority Rights"
On April 6, 2016, Rev. Dr. Larry Buxton, Rabia Chaudry and Rabbi Bruce Kahn discussed the issue of religious freedoms and minority rights from the viewpoints of Abrahamic traditions.
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Rumi Forum Internship Program We are always considering
applications for our internship program (dates are flexible and negotiable) Eligibility: All undergraduate and
master’s-level students and J.D. and Ph.D. candidates as well as recent graduates are eligible to apply. Application
Process: In order to apply for a Rumi Forum Internship, please fill out this application form. You may send any supporting documents
such as CVs, resumes etc to internships@rumiforum.org. Please note that
you need to fill out the application form first before sending any documents.
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DONATE TO RUMI FORUM Rumi Forum now accepts donation through a new service via Paypal. The
Rumi Forum, a NGO that is a non-profit exempt organization under section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code exists
by way of contributions, donations and the volunteers that enable it to provide numerous services to better society at
large. Your contributions are appreciated and play an important part in the Rumi Forum increasing social harmony and
understanding.  Back to top^ |