Abrahamic Discussion Series: "Religion and Democracy"
The Rumi Forum hosted an interfaith panel on Religion and Democracy in the Abrahamic Faiths on October 26, 2016. Speakers included Raouf M. Abdullah, Father Tim Heflin, and Alan Ronkin.
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Abrhamic Discussion Series: "Women's Leadership in Peace Building and Social Harmony"
Yeha Hwang, Dr. Sahar Khamis, Rabbi Deborah Reichmann, and Karina V. Korostelina joined the Rumi Forum on September 29th for a panel discussion on the contribution of women of faith to society in peacebuilding and social harmony.
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Rumi Forum Charlottesville's Annual Peace and Dialogue Awards Dinner
Rumi Forum's Charlottesville chaper hosted their Annual Peace and Dialogue Dinner and Art Contest Award Ceremony on October 20 with the theme of "Overcoming Xenophobia: Acceptance of Others". The art contest held the theme of "Living Together in Peace" for the middle and high school students of the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. Virginia Senator and former nominee for the Vice Presidency of the U.S., Tim Kaine wrote to the Forum in congratulations for continuing to foster interfaith and intercultural dialogue to support peace stating that "appreciation and acceptance are vital to the success of the United States."
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Justice, Unity, and Peace Fairfax Town Hall
Rumi Forum partnered with several other organizations for a Fairfax Town Hall meeting on September 10th, inviting residents to engage public officials and law enforcement in a conversation regarding the continued violence against unarmed black men and women, including recent attacks on police officers accross the nation.
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Unity Walk 2016: "Know Your Neighbor"
Rumi Forum was a sponsor to InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC)'s Unity Walk. This year’s theme is “Know Your Neighbor.” People of all faiths and cultures from around the Washington, DC region came down to Embassy Row on Massachusetts Avenue visiting houses of worship and other religious centers in a public celebration of solidarity for everyone within our diverse community. Houses of worship along Massachusetts Avenue opened their doors and welcomed walkers in an effort to promote greater interreligious understanding and education. Walkers also participated in service projects throughout the afternoon.
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Rumi Forum Maryland's Early Thanksgiving Dinner
On November 15, 2016, Rumi Forum of Maryland celebrated the annual 'Early Thanksgiving Dinner and Interfaith Celebration of Peace' event, dedicated to the peacebuilding efforts of Montgomery County`s interfaith community. Rev. Julia Jarvis from Interfaith Families Project, Rev. Dr. Matt Braddock from Christ Congregational Church and Jodi Rose from Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake spoke from their own perspective.
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Fethullah Gulen's Politico Interview
Fethullah Gulen recently agreed to answer a handful of written questions from POLITICO about the failed coup attempt in Turkey.
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New Books and DVDs The Spirituality of Responsibility: Fethullah Gulen and Islamic Thought
Simon Robinson shows how Gulen's writings, influenced by both orthodox Islam and the Sufi tradition, contribute a dynamic, holistic and interactive view of responsibility which locates personal identity, agency and freedom in plural relationships.
The Spirituality of Responsibility also explores the practice of responsibility in Gülen's life and in the Hizmet movement which he founded. Gülen has been at the centre of many controversies, including in his Movement's relationship with the Turkish government. Charting Gülen's response, from the Israeli Gaza blockade through to more recent crises, the book critiques aspects of both this practice and underlying ideas, and argues that responsibility, focused in dialogue and peace-building, is continuing to evolve in the leadership and practice of the movement, providing a challenge to conventional views of governance and responsibility.
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A Map of the Divine Subtle Faculty: The Concept of the Heart in the Works of Ghazali, Said Nursi, and Fethullah Gulen
The heart in the Islamic understanding is the expression of a human being's spiritual existence. It is a Divine gift and Divine subtle faculty bestowed upon humanity. It is a polished mirror reflecting God. Like a general, the heart commands all other bodily organs and faculties, which are its troops, Everything that comes from a human being, whether good or bad, is a product of the heart. Mehmet Y. Seker, a scholar of Sufism and tasawwuf, studies the concept of the heart in the Islamic tradition looking at how it is approached by three prominent scholars and thinkers of Islam: Ghazali, Said Nursi, and Fethullah Gulen. Being the first in English to take as its focus the human heart from an Islamic spiritual, this book comparatively analyzes classical and modern age interpretations and evaluations on the concept and adds to the rich literature of spirituality in the Islamic tradition.
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DVD: Love Is a Verb
Love is a Verb is now on DVD! Love is a Verb follows a global movement of faithful Muslims inspired by the teachings of Fethullah Gulen halfway around the globe. Preaching social activism, dialogue, education and peace, Gulen has now inspired two generations of educators and humanitarian workers where they are most needed around the globe but couldn t escape from controversy in his home country and abroad. In 2013, Time magazine named Gulen as one of the most influential people in the world.
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Rumi Forum Internship Program We are always considering
applications for our internship program (dates are flexible and negotiable) Eligibility: All undergraduate and
master’s-level students and J.D. and Ph.D. candidates as well as recent graduates are eligible to apply. Application
Process: In order to apply for a Rumi Forum Internship, please fill out this application form. You may send any supporting documents
such as CVs, resumes etc to internships@rumiforum.org. Please note that
you need to fill out the application form first before sending any documents.
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DONATE TO RUMI FORUM Rumi Forum now accepts donation through a new service via Paypal. The
Rumi Forum, a NGO that is a non-profit exempt organization under section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code exists
by way of contributions, donations and the volunteers that enable it to provide numerous services to better society at
large. Your contributions are appreciated and play an important part in the Rumi Forum increasing social harmony and
understanding.  Back to top^ |