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The Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society of Washington along with the Rumi Forum presented this event that examined religious minority communities in America. 

January 21st, 2018 
2:30 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Temple Rodef Shalom
2100 Westmoreland Street
Falls Church, VA 22043


America is rightfully celebrated for how it protects all religions. Yet our nation is not simply shaped by its religious freedom laws but also by a melting pot culture that has grown increasingly secular. For our minority religions, the desire to assimilate into that culture has become more of a threat with each successive generation. Come hear members of the Muslim, Jewish and Sikh communities reflect on these potentially existential challenges to the survival of their communities on these shores.  



Nisa Muhammad 
Assistant Dean for Religious Life at Howard University






Gagan Narang
Director- Organizational Development and Learning at Public Company Accounting Oversight (PCAOB)






Dr. Ira Weiss
A scholar who frequently lectures on Palestinian-Israel relations



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