Members of the Rumi Forum community joined with the community of Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington for an Iftar dinner and an evening of interfaith conversation, music, and learning.
Pastor Michael McGee of Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington welcomed everyone and spoke about his experiences with the Rumi Forum and his Intercultural Trip to Turkey last May.
Allen Keiswetter of UUCA also spoke of his relationship and trip with the Forum and took advantage of his teaching expertise in the religion of Islam to teach participants the greeting of “peace” in Islam, As salaam aleikum.
After the dinner Jena Luedtke, Public Relations Director of the Rumi Forum talked about the important aspects of Ramadan and read from Rumi’s poetry. Following the talk members of both communities gathered at the tables for interfaith dialogue. The Rumi Forum would like to thank all who participated in this special evening of community and peace building.
We would especially like to thank the members of Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Pastor Michael McGee, Allen Keiswetter and everyone who helped make this evening a great success! We look forward to many more interfaith dialogue gatherings with the community of Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington!