Participant Guidelines


1. Stick to the texts
Scriptural Reasoning is much more fruitful if the discussion remains focused on the texts before you – rather than a general discussion on religion. You can draw from sources other than the passage before you, but you should always be able to connect what you say to the texts.

2. Use the original language to expand the conversation, not close it down
No English translation is perfect, and most people in the group will not be familiar with all the original languages. Thus, while the original language of a text may provide added nuance to an interpretation, the discussion should be based primarily on the English translation. Don’t use the original language to shut down discussion.

3. Feel invited to explore others’ texts
Also, invite others to explore your texts. This can be challenging at first, but biblical Reasoning is all about hospitality—inviting others to cross boundaries and get to know you and your scriptures better. It is about open discussion rather than trying to reach an authoritative interpretation of the scriptures.

4. Listen carefully and charitably to others’ comments and give space to them
In Scriptural Reasoning, you should allow others’ readings to be expressed and explored even if you have very clear ideas about how a particular text should be understood.


5. Be honest
You are not expected to be an ‘expert’ on your scripture and faith tradition, so be honest about what you don’t know or understand. You may not agree with other people’s interpretations, and it is okay to say so – respectfully.

6. Avoid
Nobody represents their faith tradition, so avoid making statements such as“Christians/Muslims/Jews believe…”. It would be better to say (for example), “As a Christian/Muslim/Jew, I think this text means…”

7. Be present
Your full participation is crucial to Scriptural Reasoning. This means having a mindful presence—reading, reflecting, listening, and discussing. Refrain from any activity that may hinder this, such as using mobile phones—even to look something up related to the text—or physically leaving the group in the middle of a discussion.

8. Be respectful when handling the texts
Remember that different traditions have different views on how the scriptures should be treated, and some faiths consider their scriptures sacred. This means that care should be taken when handling them; for example, don’t place them on the floor or put drinks on them. If you’re in doubt about how to treat or dispose of the texts, speak to a fellow group member.


Guidelines for Introducing Texts

1. Keep it short
Two minutes without reading the text is normally enough time to give basic context to the passage.

2. Focus on the passage
Some basic background to the scripture may be required for those less familiar with it, but the introduction should concentrate on the background and context of the chosen passage.

3. Don’t ‘unpack’ the text
Exploring the meaning and interpretations of the text is the purpose of the SR session itself, so it is best to refrain from doing this in the introduction.