The Rumi Forum presented “The Many Faces of Religion in Election 2008” with Sr. Maureen Fieder, SL, Ph.D, Host of Interfaith Voices.

This presentation covered diverse ways in which religion has been manifest in the 2008 campaign. It included analyses of the declining role of the Religious Right, the emergence of the Religious Left (and Center), the uses of religion as a weapon (especially Islam), and the broadening of the religious agenda generally.

Maureen Fiedler, SL is the host of Interfaith Voices, a public radio show, heard on 50+ radio stations in the U.S. and Canada, including WAMU 88.5 FM in Washington, DC. She has been involved in interfaith activities for more than three decades as an active participant in coalitions working for social justice, racial and gender equality, and peace. Her special interests lie at the intersection of theology and public policy. She is a Sister of Loretto, and holds a Ph.D. in Government from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.