The Rumi Forum continued its tradition in hosting a series of Ramadan iftar dinners within the Holy month of Ramadan. This year, the Rumi Forum broke its 2014 record, with a total of 55 held dinners that occurred throughout the month. The organization brought together think tanks, government agencies, interfaith groups, embassies, members of local government, the media, academia and NGOs around the same table to break bread and share in conversation. In addition, the Forum introduced various cultural and home iftars during the month of July, including the South Asian, Arab and African-American Friendship dinners hosted at the American Turkish Friendship Association in Fairfax,Virginia.
Rumi Forum iftars were also covered by Washington Post and Washington Times as well as the international media.
See Washington Post article here
See Washington Times article here
Click here for the coverage of Bahrain TV
Click here for the coverage of Pakistan TV
Rumi Forum Turkic-American Alliance Signature Iftar
On June 18th, Rumi Forum in partnership with the Turkic American Alliance hosted their annual Signature Ramadan Dinner with over 100 guests in attendance in celebration of the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.
Jack Moline, Executive Director, Interfaith Alliance
Andrew McCabe, ADIC, FBI Washington Field Office
Dalia Mogahed, Director of Research, ISPU
Kareem Shora, Section Director for Community Engagement, US Department of Homeland Security
Ramadan Iftar with Truman National Security Project, June 26 2015
Emre Celik, President, Rumi Forum
Scott Bates, President, Center for National Policy
Joshua Walker, Truman Fellow, Truman National Security Project
Read more about this event in our blog
Ramadan Suhoor July 11, 2015
Ambassador Laurie Fulton
Earl Rasmussen, Vice President, Eurasia Center
Ramadan Iftar with Friends of Anatolia
Paul Wee, Professor, George Washington University
Todd Theringer, Harvard Club of DC
Jennifer Cate, HANDS
Ramadan Iftar with Interfaith Leaders, July 12, 2015
Riham Osman, Communications Coordinator, MPAC
Patricia Zapor, Reporter, National Catholic Reporter
Hinda Labovitz, Cantor, Ohr Kodesh Congregation
Read more about this event in our blog
Cultural Iftar Series 2015
African-American Friendship Ramadan Iftar, July 7, 2015:
Members of the African American and the Turkish American communities got together for an Iftar on July 7, 2015.
Imam Talib Shareef, The Nation’s Mosque
Jamiah Adams, Vice President, NAACP
Emre Celik, President, Rumi Forum
Metin Cetiner,Vice President, Kimse Yok Mu
Arab-Turkish American Ramadan Iftar, July 3, 2015
Azizah Al Hibri, Founder, KARAMAH
South Asian-Turkish American Ramadan Iftar, July 1, 2015
Shuja Nawaz, Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council
Dr. Sayyid Syeed, National Director for the Office for Interfaith & Community Alliances, Islamic Society of North America
Aisha Rahman, Executive Director, KARAMAH
Mumtaz Hussain, IMF
Dr. Sayyid Syeed, ISNA
Tariq Shafi, Shafi and Company
Read more about this event in our blog