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On December 11, young leaders gathered and engaged in stimulating exchanges on how we can grow and be better supporters of Universal Human Rights!

To be young in 2020 is powerful because we are witnesses to the drastic changes that can happen in a short amount of time – good and bad. We have learned that our actions and inactions have an immense impact which is augmented when we unite with others.

In this context, it is a call to our world’s youth, who can often feel small as they battle to find their voice amidst issues that seem larger than life. Rumi Forum is dedicated to listening to these rising voices, which is why we planned a virtual event for International Human Rights Day on December 11th, 2020.

Check out our bi-weekly blogs, which will serve as one of our mediums for sparking discussions around various topics of human rights and disseminating updates for the main event.

Solving Old Problems with Fresh Perspectives: A Call to Youth Leaders

Collecting the Youth Perspective Together: #RISE4Rights

What do you think about human rights? – Make your voices be heard!

Institutions and Individuals Working in Support of Universal Human Rights

R.I.S.E and Recover

Small Steps to Change the World


Hazami Barmada

Hazami is the founder of the Humanity Lab Foundation, an innovative US-based non-profit organization which works to unlock human potential and democratize access to the power that shapes the world. Most recently, Hazami served as the Coordinator for the United Nations World Humanitarian Summit of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. She has also served as Strategy and Communications Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, as a member of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda “Strategy Hub”, and co-chair of the Communications Working Group for the United Nations Interagency Network on Youth Development. She was a member of the organizing team of the UN Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security. She has been a Senior Advisor for Strategic Partnerships and Communications for United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) leveraging innovation to activate youth around the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

Hazami received a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard where she was a Fellow in Public Policy and Management, recipient of the Harvard Center for Public Leadership’s Certification in Management, Leadership, and Decision Sciences. Hazami is a passionate humanitarian and human rights advocate and is the Founder of the Harvard Humanitarian Leadership and Policy Program and is a Citizen Diplomat with the US Department of State.


Alexander Cromwell, Ph.D.

“Encountering the ‘Other’: Youth Peacebuilding across Enemy Groups”?

Alexander Cromwell is a Professorial Lecturer and the Associate Director, Dean’s Scholars and Experiential Learning at the Elliott School. In this role, he teaches the three required research methods courses in the Dean’s Scholars sequence and the internship-for-credit professional development pilot course. He also teaches conflict resolution at the graduate and undergraduate level and a short-term abroad course to Southeast Asia.

Cromwell’s research focuses on education in conflict contexts, and he has conducted research on the impact of encounter-based peace education programs with Pakistani, Afghan, Indonesian, and US youth. He has over 10 years of experience with youth programming, and has worked with groups from the Middle East, South and Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. For the past few years he has served as a peacebuilding facilitator for Project Common Bond, a camp that works with youth who lost a family member through war, terrorism, or violence. He previously taught courses at American University and George Mason University, where he received his PhD.


Rev. Ebony Grisom

Rev. Ebony Grisom is the Interim Director of Protestant Christian Ministry and the Protestant Chaplain on the Law and Main Campuses at Georgetown University. Prior to her arrival, Rev. Grisom served in a faith-based anti-poverty non-profit, where she equipped faith leaders and people of faith to act against the sin of poverty, and served at two Baptist churches in New England. In addition to her work at Georgetown, she is the Co-Convener of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA’s Convening Table on Joint Action and Advocacy for Justice and Peace. Her call melds her experience in higher education and the parish, allowing her to minister to God’s People at the intersection of the Church and the academy.

Rev. Grisom received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in African-American/African Studies and a Master of Arts from Providence College in American History. She earned a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Christian Education and a certificate in Gender, Theology and Ministry from Duke Divinity School. Rev. Grisom is ordained in the American Baptist Churches, USA.

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