Well that pink phone became like the best selling phone for that company. And so now companies have adopted this if you are way of working that they’ve are beginning to value this concept by diversity and I think that’s going to be transmitted more to our up and coming generation of students. So [IB] eluded to I started believe its something that’s not going to really remain as part or affect us in a negative way. I think it’s healthy to have this conversation. I think it’s healthy that even though it’s controversial as the Arizona measures are it really emphasizes fact that we have to address an issue of immigration whether we want to be more welcoming or whether we want to perhaps adopt some restrictions. But in the end politically I’m concerned that it will affect the Arizona Republican Party in the middle to long term. Because the example that is often sited is the measures that were taking place in the 90s with California and similar measures and that basically destroyed the California republic party and for the republic party and I say its to become competitive it has to win four states California Texas Florida New York. Without those four states you are not going to ruin the White house and of course the [IB] in those four seats are very crucial let alone with Arizona being an important segment with the population so that’s my [IB]
Dr. Werz: Good luck with that.
Octavia: Yeah I believe we have one last we have to wrap up I’m sure we’ll continue the side conversation so again on behalf of the Rumiforum I definitely want to thank our honored guest Dr. Werz for his insightful remarks on a fascinating topic which obviously where you have been in line and we appreciate your experience in your thoughts on this. And again thank Rumiforum for providing this opportunity for us to have this open discussion in such a respectful and professional manner. So again thank you for your attendance and I appreciate your input.
Dr. Werz: Thank you very much.
[1:68:04] [END OF FORUM]
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