Allan: Yes. Thank you. Please…
Abraham: I’ll be doing a consultant for the American British council formerly [IB]
David: Uh-huh
Abraham: Yeah, I like to ask Mr. Ambassador about the wisdom of phasing out American troops from Iraq. You made a comparison on Afghanistan. Now, where are the strategic interest in Afghanistan, why escalate Afghanistan, why placing in Iraq and also about the most [IB] the police comment about the [IB] concern that a Shia from Iran will join forces with Shia from Iraq, there’s still be some hegemony after you left against the country, there was an effort to capture Kuwait and that…
David: Uh-huh
Abraham: [IB] agreement of mandatory six or seven Iraqi regard as 19th province of Iraq and if the Shia are able to establish hegemony with the use of [IB] in Lebanon and in the Kamasia, in [IB] that could have some spill over attract about the 0:43:33.0 stability of the region Kuwait and maybe even Saudi Arabia, so again- and also the Israelis of the US [IB] Iraqis where in if you are not secure and maybe less willing to the negotiate in good faith, so again this I knew of phasing out of Iraq, the strategic interest of the oil reserve as you currently mention and escalating in Afghanistan, could you please comment on…
David: Yeah, sure, sure.
Abraham: Of this strategy, please.