In search of “friends” and “potential friends” In search of “friends” and “potential friends”Mehmet Saracoglu2022-08-29T04:38:37+00:00August 1, 2022|
Welcome to CFIG, “where ideas interact” Welcome to CFIG, “where ideas interact”Mehmet Saracoglu2022-08-01T03:40:22+00:00July 1, 2022|
Re-examining Abraham’s Covenant with God Re-examining Abraham’s Covenant with GodMehmet Saracoglu2022-09-25T04:03:33+00:00June 14, 2022|
Ethnic Conflict in the Balkans Ethnic Conflict in the BalkansMehmet Saracoglu2022-05-19T03:08:49+00:00May 6, 2022|
Marriage, Divorce, and Women’s Rights in the Abrahamic Religions Marriage, Divorce, and Women’s Rights in the Abrahamic ReligionsMehmet Saracoglu2022-04-25T03:13:40+00:00April 25, 2022|
Maps and Ethno-Religious Portraits of the Balkans Maps and Ethno-Religious Portraits of the BalkansMehmet Saracoglu2022-04-16T05:17:53+00:00April 7, 2022|
Faith as a Resource: How religious leaders&spaces can assist victims of domestic violence and abuse Faith as a Resource: How religious leaders&spaces can assist victims of domestic violence and abuseMehmet Saracoglu2022-04-16T05:17:01+00:00March 15, 2022|
Femicide: The Silent Pandemic Femicide: The Silent PandemicMehmet Saracoglu2022-04-16T05:43:15+00:00February 14, 2022|