Dr. Alexander: My name is Yonah Alexander and I’m personally and professionally delighted to be here by chance in a way when I discovered that my friend and colleague Ed Marks was scheduled to speak. I said, “Oh, I would love to come,” and listen to him each time I learned something new. Although we know each other 35 years I would say. My last counting when he was at the state department on counter terrorism office. And you can see one of the great values that we have in humanity is friendship and loyalty. So I guess we’re loyal to each other for a long, long time like a good marriage as we say and I was really very happy to find out that Rumi Forum took the initiative to invite him to discuss one of the major challenges of our time. For many reasons it’s not only the issue of securities strategic in a very strict sense. It depends on how you define security but it seems to me that from what I know about the Rumi Forum of work I was really fascinated by the – academician by the philosophic approach in terms of the ecumenical approach to issues to open up all of us are in the same boats. We have the same blood. We have the same aspirations and it seems to me that this is the right form to deal with that because we’re not dealing specifically with challenges without solution – [IB] solution. And in fact one of the projects if I may mention that Ambassador Marks here and myself and some of our colleagues are developing is develop diplomacy. How can diplomacy advance the cause of peace with justice around the world? Whether its terrorism or some of the regional issues that defy its solution. So diplomacy has a very important role to play so is religion. So is culture. So I think this is the right form and Ambassador Marks is uniquely qualified obviously to deal with all these issues. You do have some summary of his background and work at the state department and outside the state department and those of us in the academic community, we are delighted that he is taking a very active part in our…
Interviewer 2: Now it’s all yours.