The academics didn’t notice that, politicians didn’t notice it, diplomats didn’t notice it, intelligence agencies didn’t notice that. It’s a phenomenon that grew around the world in the period and it’s interesting – one important aspects of it, it occurs in every major religion in the world. Let me repeat that. Every major religion in the world has seen the growth of religious fundamentalism in the 20th century. So that by the 80s and 90s in the end of the century in every major religion which might call the liberal progressive wing is smaller within its community than it was 30 years before. In the middle has more or less held its own and the growth in importance in the numbers has been in the conservative, revivalist, fundamentalist wing. And again this is true in every religion. One group that did notice this phenomenon is the American Academy of Science which produced a five-page [IB] of five-volume report in the early 90s. If you don’t want to read the five-volume report which many of us do, there is a magnificent 400-page version of it called strong religions which is a superb discussion of these phenomena. They’re not taking sides; they’re not judging against, they’re just describing the phenomena – what is happening and an attempt to understand them. They only make an attempt; they don’t think they have the answer. The short- term answer is there is something about the modern world, growth from globalization, the significant growth in populations. I grew up in the country in the United States of America which we felt was pretty big. It had a 130 million people. Think about it. We had a 130 million people. We now have 350 million and this is true around the world. There was a time not too long ago when the total population of the world was 2 billion; it is now 6 billion and counting. That plus globalization plus urbanization has somehow produced an environment in which large numbers of people are looking for answers and are uncomfortable with the world, uncomfortable with what’s going on and have turned backwards into their cultures, into their religions for earlier verities, earlier explanations, earlier condolences and compensations as to what’s going on in the world. Now this religious revivalism as I say is widespread come to all religions – I don’t wanna say that all religious fundamentalist are politically active, not at all. But it has spurred one theme of political activism has been religiously motivated. Now it’s important to say that not all religious fundamentalists who are politically active are terrorist by no means, but out of that has come a very small group. A very small minority so we have the situation where in some places, in some countries, in some movements there is a relationship between unhappiness for society, religious fundamentalism, political activism and an extreme terms political terrorism. But we must be very careful not to confuse the motivation for political activism and political terrorism and the justification for. In many cases religious fundamentalism is used as a justification for political activity which is motivated by other things and all sorts of other motivations and activities.