Interviewee:    And of Mr. Sarkozy and his very strong views on this question.  But at least it will let us move forward, and then with a reinvigorated push by Turkey for reform, I think we can start to move some of the European public views over the longer term.  We are talking about a 10-year process, not a quick process.  But I think there is room, but first we must first get over these initial issues in 2009.

Interviewer:    So typical of European bureaucracy moves, snail pace.

Interviewee:    Very slow.

Interviewer:    Yeah.

Interviewee:    Very slow.

Interviewer:    It’s not just France and Sarkozy though.

Interviewee:    No.

Interviewer:    The EU members have their own historical relationships with Turkey.  For example Austria.

Interviewee:    Yes.

Interviewer:    Christian Europe versus Muslim Ottomans.  British – the Brits are very keen on the Turks joining the EU.

Interviewee:    Yes.

Interviewer:    So it varies.  When you talked about there being a unanimous consent, it makes it so difficult, doesn’t it?  Complicated.